Tuesday, January 24, 2023

January 24, 1943 - Sunday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Fullam: 

John was on duty at his new destroyer, the USS Fullam, at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston. 

Movies of 1942

Production of films did not slow during 1942 and were vital to boosting morale on the home front as the war initially seemed to be going badly (with a few bright spots here and there).  The highest grossing movie was Mrs. Miniver, a war drama about a housewife in Britain during the beginning of the war. The drama Random Harvest was second.

Films about the war so far were popular as well.  Wake Island described the fierce resistance of the Marine garrison in the weeks after the Pearl Harbor attack.

The musical Holiday Inn did well and also included several of the popular songs of the year.  The Pride of the Yankees was a biography of Lou Gehrig, who had recently passed away from ALS.

The below link lists the highlights of movies in 1942:

1942 in film


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