Friday, December 30, 2022

December 27, 1942 - Sunday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS Fullam: 

John was on duty at his new destroyer, the USS Fullam, at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston. 
Christmas in Boston

Boston had a very subdued Christmas in 1942.  Blackouts had been instituted in the summer, and thus the city was very dark for the most part.  The number of items rationed was increasing, with gasoline being the latest item.  Coupon books were used for purchases of rationed items.

Below is an article that shows the shopping ads for various Boston stores, and the article also covers the conditions in Boston as well.

Boston’s Bittersweet Christmas of 1942

Also noted is the terrible fire in late November at the Cocoanut Grove, that resulted in 492 deaths.  It was a popular night spot for residents and visitors alike.  Mary McLaughlin had never been to the club, but knew some people who had been there.  I don't think she knew anyone killed in the fire.


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