Saturday, November 5, 2022

November 5, 1942 - Thursday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner: 

By this time, the crew of O'Brien are nearing the US west coast, on schedule to arrive some time around November 7th.

Transports arrived at Guadalcanal bringing needed artillery to the Marines, primarily 155 mm howitzers that allow attacks on Japanese positions in the western part of the island.  Navy cruisers and destroyers also shell this area.  The Japanese navy is still able to land more troops and supplies.

U. S. Navy Task Forces:

  • Task Force 16 (Enterprise) was still at Noumea for temporary repairs to Enterprise.
  • Saratoga remained at Pearl Harbor for repairs (sailed November 10th).
  • Combined Task Force 61 was at Noumea.
    • Task Force 16 (Enterprise) -> TF 61  

More Information:

  • Official Navy Chronology, pp. 271-273.
  •  The First Team and the Guadalcanal Campaign,  John B. Lundstrom, pp 460-466.
  • The Struggle for Guadalcanal, Samuel Eliot Morison, pp. 224-226.
  • Neptune's Inferno, The U.S. Navy at Guadalcanal, James D. Hornfischer, pp. 237-245.



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