Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 1, 1862 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Crittenden's Corps - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

Buell is relieved by Rosecrans officially on the 30th and is ordered to Indianapolis to await further orders.  The western governors are pleased as they have urged Buell's removal for some months.  A commission is being set up by the Secretary of War to investigate Buell's conduct of his department in the preceding months.

A new Department of the Cumberland is created for General Rosecrans.  The Department of the Ohio, under General Wright, continues to overlap the new department and cause confusion.  Troops are being requested to be sent further west to General Grant in West Tennessee and Mississippi; he is preparing to move on Vicksburg, MS.  Its capture would clear the Mississippi River for Union navigation.

Rosecrans continues the troop movements that were in progress under General Buell.  Crittenden's corps is likely near Glasgow, KY as was previously ordered.  There are mixed reports from Nashville as to how many Confederate troops are in the area, but these are concerning enough that Rosecrans will move the army there just as Buell had proposed.

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