Saturday, October 8, 2022

October 8, 1942 - Thursday - 80 years ago today

Status - John Skinner - USS O'Brien: 

O'Brien remained at Noumea (code name WHITE POPPY) alongside repair ship Argonne for further and more permanent repairs.  Repairs would be finished October 10th.

Hornet conducted a raid on Japanese forces in the Shortland Islands, which are further up the Solomons chain near Bougainville.  The raid was hampered by inclement weather, and so achieves little.

Japanese Navy plans include a cruiser force coming down the slot to shell Guadalcanal while other ships unloaded supplies.  US cruiser forces, now better trained and equipped, would soon have to detect and counter this force.

U. S. Navy Task Forces:

  • Task Force 16 (Enterprise) was at Pearl Harbor, for repairs to Enterprise (sailed October 16th).
  • Saratoga was at Pearl Harbor for repairs (sailed November 10th).
  • Combined Task Force 61 remained on patrol in the Coral Sea near Guadalcanal.
    • Task Force 17 (Hornet) -> TF 61 

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