Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 6, 1862 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

General Kirby Smith, fresh off his rout of Union forces at Richmond, KY, has occupied Lexington and Frankfort.  At that point, however, he hesitates, moving toward neither Louisville nor Cincinnati.  The Union command in Kentucky are scrambling to prepare a defense of these cities.  Several new regiments are forwarded from Indiana and Ohio.  Not yet ready, these regiments are organized north of the Ohio River and await orders.  Veteran troops are pulled back toward the two cities, and there is discussion of abandoning various points, such as Bowling Green and Munfordville, lest they be cut off and isolated.  General Grant has also sent more troops from his district

General Buell, meanwhile, has realized that Bragg's Confederates are moving north and are likely going to Kentucky to unite with Kirby Smith, and that he needs to get north as fast as possible.  He orders points between Nashville and Louisville, such as the aforementioned Bowling Green and Munfordville, to be held and supplies kept at these locations.  It is now a foot race between the armies toward Louisville.

Thomas, with Wood's division, is in the Nashville area, having been ordered to Murfreesboro by the 5th. 

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