Friday, September 2, 2022

September 2, 1862 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

In Tennessee, Buell has ordered all divisions to congregate at Murfreesboro on the 5th.  Thomas, with Wood's division, is ordered to move to Clermont, TN by the 3rd, Readyville, TN by the 4th, and reach Murfreesboro on the 5th.  Many other columns of troops will be converging on Murfreesboro, so the division commanders will need to work out how to travel across the limited number of roads.  Buell still does not have good information on where Bragg is going or how many Confederate troops he has; therefore he is moving north to shadow Bragg and protect Nashville.

In Kentucky, the lack of trained soldiers results in a significant loss for the Union.  A Union army made up of almost exclusively new and untrained regiments is routed on August 30th near Richmond, KY by forces under General Kirby Smith.  Many of the new men were killed, but over 4,000 were taken prisoner.  Confederate losses were slight, and their way was clear to Lexington, which they soon occupied.

In the East, General Pope is routed at the Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas) by a much smaller Confederate army under Robert E. Lee.  Pope retreats back toward Washington, D.C. and on September 2nd is relieved of command.  All of the eastern armies are consolidated back under General McClellan.

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