Wednesday, September 14, 2022

September 14, 1862 - Sunday - 160 years ago today

 Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

General Buell had been gathering his forces at Bowling Green, KY.  Wood's division had reached there by now, and Thomas was also coming, leaving a single division to protect Nashville.  

This deployment had turned out to be correct, as Bragg's Confederate army had moved to Glasgow, KY, about 25 miles to the east.  One of Bragg's divisions had captured Cave City, where they blocked the railroad and cut the telegraph connection between the Union's two forces.  The other Confederate army, under General Kirby Smith, remained near Lexington, threatening action against either Louisville or Cincinnati.

On the 14th, two separate Confederate forces had united to attack Munfordville, KY, presuming it to be lightly defended.  This was mistaken, and the attack was repulsed, with Confederates retreating to Cave City.

Buell would continue moving northward, and a battle appeared to be imminent near Cave City as Buell would have to go through there to reconnect with Union forces between there and Louisville.

Map -  Buell at Bowling Green, Bragg at Glasgow and Cave City:

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