Saturday, September 10, 2022

September 10, 1862 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today

 Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

September 7th finds Wood's division north of Nashville on the road toward Gallatin.  The next day Wood is ordered to move his infantry to Bowling Green, KY by Gallatin and Mitchellsville, TN, and to throw a cavalry force out to the east near Hartsville, TN to look for Bragg's army and protect the column from a surprise attack.

General Buell believes that Bragg is taking his army north to unite with Kirby Smith.  He will move most of his army into Kentucky while trying to retain Nashville.

Nashville, TENN.,  September 10, 1862 -- 12 m.
   Bragg is certainly this side of the Cumberland Mountains with his whole force, except what is in Kentucky under Smith.  His movements will probably depend on mine.  I expect that for the want of supplies I can neither follow him nor remain here.  Think I must withdraw from Tennessee.  I shall not abandon Tennessee while it is possible to hold on.  Cut off effectually from supplies, it is impossible for me to operate in force where I am: but I shall endeavor to hold Nashville, and at the same time drive Smith out of Kentucky and hold my communications.
D. C. BUELL.  

Wood writes on the 10th that he expects to reach Bowling Green, KY that night.

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