Tuesday, August 9, 2022

August 9, 1862 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

The army is still busily deploying forces in an attempt to counter whatever General Bragg decides to do in moving north from Chattanooga.  A key focus is ensuring that Nashville can be protected.  Kentucky is rumored to be facing an attack from Confederate forces under General Kirby Smith, and the Confederate Cavalry raiders Forrest and Morgan have ventured out for new attacks. 

In addition, at Decherd, TN, where the divisions of Wood and Thomas are located, fortifications are being constructed for the protection of a planned depot for ammunition and other supplies.

The army needs laborers and will get them from local slaveholders.  General Wood on the 8th receives the following order:


Decherd, TN,  August 8, 1862
Brig. Gen. T. J. WOOD,
Commanding Sixth Division:
    You are directed by Major-General Thomas to detail from your command suitable parties for the inpressment of negroes to be found in the vicinity of Decherd, for the purpose of working upon the fortifications in and about this place.  In impressing care should be taken to equalize the number in all instances, leaving a sufficient number to do the ordinary business of the farm house.
   Give instructions that each negro bring his blanket and every squad of six his cooking utensils.  Take the name of each negro, giving a proper receipt to the owner for the same, so that they can be returned to them as soon as the work is completed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servand,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Chief of Staff.

The character of the war changed in later years, but at this point the Union and its armies took no action against slavery, at least in this area.  


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