Thursday, August 18, 2022

August 17, 1862 - Sunday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division - Wagner's Brigade

Wagner's Brigade was at Manchester on the 14th, soon to be joined by Wood with his other brigade, after which both brigades were to move to McMinnville, a concentration point for Union forces in Tennessee.

Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith moved out from Knoxville on the 13th, and by the 16th, Buell had confirmation that he was invading Kentucky.  He would soon arrive at Barbourville,. KY with four divisions, and had gotten behind the Union army that was at Cumberland Gap.  

This concerned Buell greatly, as his focus had been mostly on Tennessee, and Nashville in particular, and still had to protect that from Bragg's army.  Buell sent General Nelson, one of his division commanders, to organize what forces were in Kentucky and oppose Kirby Smith's advance. Calls for more troops were made to Governor Tod of Ohio and Governor Morton of Indiana, who were asked to rush any available new regiments to Kentucky.


  • Five settlers were killed in southwest Minnesota by Sioux warriors.  The wave of violence over the following month became known as the Dakota War of 1862.
  • The Peninsula Campaign is abandoned as McClellan returns to Northern Virginia.  The campaign under way in northern Virginia will lead to the Second Battle of Bull Run (or Second Manassas).
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