Friday, July 8, 2022

July 8, 1862 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

By the 8th, Wood had troops at Decatur, AL, and had been ordered to move his cavalry and headquarters to Woodville, AL. east of Huntsville.  

As mentioned earlier, the slowness of the advance into central and eastern Tennessee had raised concerns.  Buell received the following dispatch from Halleck, and he stated later that his astonishment kept him from responding for three full days, until prompted to respond by Halleck:


CORINTH, June 20, 1862 
Major-General Buell, Huntsville:
  It seems that the enemy at Tupelo and Okolona are moving, but what is to be their point of attack is doubtful.  General Grant thinks it is Memphis, others Corinth or Tuscumbia, and others again your lines at Chattanooga.  A few days more may reduce these doubts to a certainty, when our troops will operate accordingly.
  The President telegraphs that your progress is not satisfactory and that you should move more rapidly. The long time taken by you to reach Chattanooga will enable the enemy to anticipate you by concentrating a large force to meet you.
  I communicate his views, hoping that your movements hereafter may be so rapid as to remove all cause of complaint, whether will founded or not.


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