Monday, July 4, 2022

July 4, 1862 - Friday - 160 years ago today

 Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

The days of July 1st to 4th were mainly spent on the problems that had been chronic for the past few weeks; obtaining forage for the army's animals and food for the troops without the needed railroad engines to pull large quantities, rebuilding the railroads in central Tennessee. and protecting the troops from snipers and the repaired railroads from Confederate cavalry raids.  

The weather was hot and there was also a drought in the spring and summer.  The Tennessee River  having fallen, it was not possible for boats to supply the army this far up the river.  The army had recently been on half rations and this was only recently coming to an end.  With these problems, advances toward Chattanooga or Knoxville were moving slowly if at all.

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