Thursday, June 30, 2022

June 30, 1862 - Monday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

 None of the army dispatches reveal the location of Wood's division at this time.  General Buell is mainly concerned with supplying the troops; supplies are available but are in the wrong places, and though the railroads have been repaired, no working engines are available for the trains.  Wagon trains are being used to keep supplies up, but the railroad is needed for advance into Eastern Tennessee.

In the east, the Peninsula Campaign has suffered setbacks during what is later known as the Seven Days Battles, and McClellan is forced to retreat.  President Lincoln calls for 25,000 infantry from the western armies; General Halleck is able to deflect this request until the eastern army is able to stabilize its position.

Buell's army is not succeeding in the goal of moving swiftly toward capturing Chattanooga and east Tennessee.  Although there are many reasons for the slow movement, the lack of progress is being noticed higher up.

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