Sunday, June 26, 2022

June 26, 1862 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

The situation is still unsettled as the rebuilding of roads and railroads continues along with an attempt to get the entire army over the Tennessee River and into middle Tennessee as soon as possible.  Wood is tasked to have one of his divisions continue the repairs, while his other two divisions cross the river and await the third division on the north side.  

There is a chain of events that are needed; Thomas's division must come east and relieve one of Wood's brigades.  Thomas has until now been serving as the reserve for Grant's army near Memphis, where an attack is still expected.

Here are Wood's orders for the 24th:


Florence, June 24, 1862
Birgadier-General Wood,
Commanding Sixth Division:
 General Buell directs me to say that in accordance with instructions sent you to-day your leading brigade will continue on with the Engineer Regiment, making the repairs to Decatur, leaving the guards as designated.  Your second brigade will march to-morrow and go through to Decatur.  These two brigades will cross the river as soon as practicable after their arrival at Decatur, and await your third brigade on the north side or orders to proceed.  Your third brigade will march for Decatur as soon as General Thomas' headquarters and troops reach Tuscumbia.  It is thought General Thomas will get here on Saturday.  He has already been ordered to relieve at once your guards west of this point.  They will therefore march with your rear brigade.  The guards east of Tuscumbia will be releived by General Thomas and sent forward to Decatur.
I an, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel and Chief of Staff.


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