Saturday, June 18, 2022

June 18, 1862 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today

 Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

 General Wood's division during this time (June 15th to 18th) is mostly at Tuscumbia, AL and is involved in provisioning, repairing roads and railroads, and setting up a temporary hospital at Tuscumbia. 

General Buell is concerned with getting as many divisions as possible, as fast as possible, into central Tennessee, and mentions on the 16th his desire to replace Wood's division by the 20th, so it can proceed to Decatur and cross to the north side the river.  The same day, Buell also notes that part of Wood's division is working on a bridge at Town Creek, 15 miles beyond (east of) Tuscumbia.

Wood is also involved in a wagon train swap; his own wagons were sent to Florence for use north of the Tennessee River, and another wagon train would deliver supplies for his division until he called the replacement wagon train forward for his division's use.

Wood is also ordered to set up a temporary hospital at Tuscumbia to treat sick and injured soldiers that will be moved from Iuka, MS.  

Here is a map of the area.  Tuscumbia is at the left, Town Creek at the right.  Florence, AL is across the river from Tuscumbia/Muscle Shoals.

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