Tuesday, June 14, 2022

June 14, 1862 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

Wood as of now has 3 brigades in his division.  In addition to the 20th and 21st Brigades, the 15th Brigade is now included.  The 40th Indiana remains in the 21st Brigade.

The various orders recently received by General Wood are causing some uncertainty over the next movements.  Below is a dispatch from Wood and the response from Army headquarters.  Wood will move toward Decatur and continue rebuilding roads and railroads as needed.


June 11, 1862
Major-General Buell:
Following received from Bear Creek to Colonel Kelton:
My instructions from the commanding general of the Army of the Ohio direct me to move toward Decatur on being relieved here by General Nelson, leaving a brigade at Tuscumbia.  General Nelson informs me that he is ordered to send a brigade to Tuscumbia.  Is it intended that I should go to Decatur? Whence will I draw supplies after I advance beyond Tuscumbia?
I would be glad to have explicit instructions and information, and apply directly to the headquarters of the department in the absence, as I am informed, of the commanding general of the Ohio from Corinth.  I propose to draw my forces together to-day, they being necessarily somewhat divided to protect the working parties, and move early tomorrow.  My instructions contemplate that I will repair the railroad beyond Tuscumbia.  To do this I must have a portion of the Engineer Regiment.  Will the necessary orders be given?  In my resume last evening of General Hascall's dispatch I omitted to mention he reports the railroad bridge at Tuscumbia destroyed.  Please answer early.
Assistant Adjutant-General


 HEADQUARTERS, June 11, 1862
 GENERAL WOOD, Bear Creek:
Your dispatch to Colonel Kelton has been forwarded here.  Your orders are to proceed with your division to Decatur, repairing the railroad as you go and drawing your supplies from Florence via Tuscumbia.  If you hear of a force of the enemy in your vicinity you are to move upon and drive it off unless it proves to be too large to attack.  The entire regiment of the Third Ohio Cavalry is ordered to your division.   General Smith is directed to send some of the Engineers and Mechanics along to aid in all the repairs and to see to it himself. 
General Buell directs me to say that you must in future apply to these headquarters for instructions or explanation of instructions and make your reports in the same manner.
Colonel and Chief of Staff


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