Tuesday, May 17, 2022

May 17, 1862 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

Still little to report on the 17th as the Union armies continue their slow advance toward Corinth, MS.  General Halleck is trying to bring the various corps of the army into line near Sevenmile Creek, in anticipation of a coordinated advance from there.  He is reprimanding General Buell for moving slowly and not having the center up and in line with the right and left, leaving them exposed on their flanks.  Buell, rightly or wrongly, is gaining a reputation for being slow and not on time, and this will later be to his detriment.

Virginia - Peninsula Campaign

 Confederate forces continue to fall back toward Richmond, as McClellan slowly advances with the large Union Army of the Potomac.  There is becoming a compact Confederate line around the city, indicating that the large battles will soon begin.  A Union army at Fredericksburg is ordered to advance toward Richmond as well.  Union armies are thus approaching the city from the north and east.

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