Friday, May 13, 2022

May 13, 1862 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

There is little forward movement between the 9th and 13th.  Buell is slowly moving his center corps up to Sevenmile Creek.  Pope is probing on the left, and finding little opposition.

Trains are heard entering Corinth, and loud cheers on each arrival.  This is leading to concern that a large Confederate force is consolidating at Corinth.


Confederate cavalry under John Hunt Morgan raided Kentucky and destroyed rolling stock at Cave City, KY.  He is continuing his raid and focusing on the railroads.  Union troops have been dedicated to pursuing the raiders.  Morgan will become famous for daring raids throughout the war.

Virginia - Peninsula Campaign

 Union troops occupy Norfolk; this results in the Confederacy losing a great deal of materiel, including the CSS Virginia. The Virginia was too large to be moved upstream, and thus had to be burned by the Confederates to avoid capture.  

The Union advance has prompted the evacuation from Richmond of some civilians, including Varina Davis, wife of Jefferson Davis.

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