Sunday, April 3, 2022

April 3, 1862 - Thursday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

By April 3rd, the lead division of Buell's army (Nelson's division) was near Waynesboro, about 25 miles from Savannah, TN, where Grant had his headquarters.  Nelson had sent a small advance team to Grant's headquarters and they arrived there on the 3rd.  Other divisions were coming up in order.  Buell himself was attempting to join Nelson's division as soon as possible.

The Confederate armies had coalesced in Corinth, MS in late March.  The central army, under General Albert Sidney Johnston, had arrived on March 24th.  Other forces had been gathered, from Columbus KY and other areas. so that the total was about 40,000 men.  These were hastily reorganized into 4 corps and given as much training as possible, as many had not seen any fighting, and only minimal marching and drilling. 

General Johnston was in command of the Confederate army and General Beauregard was second in command.  The 4 corps were commanded by Generals Polk, Hardee, Bragg, and Breckenridge. After some discussion, on March 3rd the army was ordered to move to Pittsburg Landing, and attack on arrival, intended to be on the morning of the 4th.  As with many hasty arrangements, problems were encountered, and the attack was postponed day-for-day; but the army was in motion toward the Union encampment.

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