Thursday, April 28, 2022

April 27, 1862 - Sunday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

Pittsburg Landing

General Halleck, is preparing the reorganization of the armies in the west, and will advance when the changes are announced and implemented.  The 40th Indiana remained with Wood's division in Buell's army.  General Mitchel, with another of Buell's divisions, is attempting to hold a position in northern Alabama along the railroad.  

General C. F. Smith, who had for a time replaced Grant in charge of the army, died on the 26th due to complications from a leg wound and infection.

New Orleans

By April 27th, the combined Union forces have captured New Orleans.  As most of the Confederate troops have been sent to fight at Shiloh and are still at Corinth, MS, little resistance is offered once the Union passes the forts guarding the entrance to the city.  Except for the Confederate army at Corinth, there is little resistance to Union control along the Mississippi River.  Vicksburg, MS is the nail that holds the eastern and western halves of the Confederacy together.  It will remain so for another year.

Virginia - Peninsula Campaign

In the east, McClellan's Army of the Potomac is attempting to move up the peninsula between the York and James Rivers to approach Richmond.  The front is currently near Yorktown, VA, the site of the decisive battle of the Revolutionary War.

More Information:

  • Link: War Operations, see Volume X, Chapter XXII, Part II, Correspondence,  pp. 121-134.
  • The Civil War Day by Day, John S. Bowman, Ed. p. 67-68.
  • Shelby Foote: The Civil War, A Narrative, Vol 1, Fort Sumter to Perryville, pp. 353-372 (New Orleans) and pp. 392-404 (Peninsula Campaign), pp. 372-374.
  • Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Struggle Intensifies, pp. 13-102 (New Orleans), pp. 160-200 (Peninsula Campaign), pp. 701-702.

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