Friday, April 15, 2022

April 15, 1862 - Tuesday - 160 years ago today

 Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

General Halleck had arrived at Pittsburg Landing on April 11th, to take command in the field.  On the same day that the Battle of Shiloh ended, another Union army under General John Pope had taken New Madrid, MO, and Island No. 10 nearby.  Several thousand Confederate prisoners were captured as well.

Pope was ordered, on completing the dispatch of the prisoners, to come to Pittsburg Landing with his army.  Halleck was consolidating all his armies, intending to advance on Corinth, MS soon, as he believed all the Confederate armies were concentrating there.

Grant was being roundly criticized in Northern papers and also in the Congress for being caught unawares by the attack on the first day at Shiloh.  Halleck lost trust also, and mostly ignored Grant on his arrival at the battlefield.  Halleck began to consider a significant reorganization of the armies before proceeding.

One of the divisions in Buell's army that did not go to Shiloh captured Huntsville and Decatur, in Alabama, thereby disrupting the railroad coming from Corinth toward Chattanooga.


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