Sunday, March 6, 2022

March 6, 1942 - Friday - 80 years ago today

 Status - John Skinner - USS O'Brien: 

DANFS - O'Brien - DD415:  

Following repairs at Mare Island, the ship sailed 20 February via San Diego, to Pearl Harbor. There Commander Destroyer Division 4 shifted his flag to O'Brien 5 March.

Destroyer Division 4 (DesDiv4), along with Destroyer Division 3 (DesDiv3) was part of Destroyer Squadron 2 (DesRon2).  DesRon2 at this time was composed mostly of the Sims-class destroyers, including O'Brien.  DesRon2 continues to the present day.

At this point, DesDiv4 appears to consist of O'Brien, Mustin, Russell, and Walke.  DesDiv4 was not sailing as a unit, however; O'Brien and Mustin were at Pearl Harbor, doing escort and patrol duty, while Russell and Walke were escorting the carrier Yorktown in the South Pacific.

US Navy Task Forces

  • Task Force 11 (Lexington) and Task Force 17 (Yorktown) met on March 6th near New Caledonia,  The two task forces planned to attack Rabaul, and another base (Gasmata) on New Britain, 1300 miles to the northwest.  This attack would also provide a distraction while US Army forces were occupying New Caledonia.
  • The planned Task Force 16 (Enterprise) raid on Marcus Island was executed on March 4th.  The task force then began its return to Pearl Harbor.

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