Tuesday, March 22, 2022

March 22, 1862 - Saturday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

 By the 22nd, Buell is at Columbia, TN, with most of the divisions (including Wood's) that are intended to meet Grant's army at Savannah.  He intends to move soon but continues to be hampered by weather and lack of bridges.

The land west of Pittsburg Landing, TN had been chosen as a camping ground for most of Grant's divisions, while awaiting a merger with Buell's command and then advancing toward Corinth, MS.  The brigades were arranged in an arc facing southwest.  Near the center of this arc, about 2 miles from the Tennessee River,  was a small church named Shiloh.  Some exploratory scouting missions were done from this camp.  

Although there were rumors of a large Confederate force nearby, it had not been found as of yet.

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