Saturday, February 26, 2022

February 26, 1862 - Wednesday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment - Wood's Division

Wood's division, with the 40th Indiana, was moving forward toward Bowling Green, KY and would make it there by the 26th.  Some unassigned regiments, about 2000 men in all, were moving up and would temporarily join Wood's division.

By January 22nd, Buell had gone to the front, and was approaching Nashville with a small force.  His dispatch on that day said that he hoped to be within about 9 miles of Nashville by the end of the day.  By the 23rd, part of Mitchel's division is near Nashville but Buell is still farther behind.

On January 26th, Buell had entered Nashville with Mitchel's division and had sent a congratulatory dispatch to his armies on the capture of the city.  Confederate forces had moved south to Murfreesboro.  Buell expected to soon move forward in pursuit.

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