Thursday, February 10, 2022

February 10, 1942 - Tuesday - 80 years ago today


Status - John Skinner - USS O'Brien:

O'Brien remained at the Mare Island Navy Yard for repairs to the port side due to its collision with USS Case. Mare Island is in the northern part of the Bay Area, near Vallejo.

Mare Island description from the link above:

The base grew into one of the largest naval facilities in the world during World War II. It expanded to 996 buildings, 20 ship berths, four dry docks, and two shipbuilding ways. Yard employees built 391 ships during the war. It repaired and sent back to battle 1,227 ships. More than 39,000 civilians were employed on Mare Island alone and thousands more in uniform. Mare Island also supervised the work of 28 private shipyards with 40,000 Navy contractors in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

Other Events 

  •  Admirals King and Nimitz are having discussions regarding the deployment of the three carrier task forces in the Pacific.  King believes the next Japanese move will be into the area around Australia, and orders Task Force 11 (Lexington) to move the the South Pacific (ANZUS command) to defend New Caledonia and the Coral Sea.  Nimitz recommends the remaining two carriers stay in the central Pacific.
  • Nimitz initially recommends that the carrier group raids be suspended for now.  King wants to continue.  Raids will soon be planned for the central Pacific.
  • Sinkings continue in the Atlantic, a tanker and a freighter are sunk.



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