Saturday, January 29, 2022

January 29, 1942 - Thursday - 80 years ago today


Status - John Skinner - USS O'Brien:

On January 29, 1942, O'Brien was at sea, moving north through the Pacific toward San Francisco, in company with Idaho and Mustin. Arrival at San Francisco would be on January 31st.

 Other Events

  • Task Force 8 (Enterprise) and Task Force 17 (USS Yorktown) continue moving toward the Marshall and Gilbert Islands to conduct a raid on Japanese occupied islands there. 
  • Freighter and tanker sunk off US east coast.
  • Pilots being evacuated from the Philippines.
  •  More Japanese landings in New Guinea and Celebes.
  • Surveys continue at Bora Bora, Society Islands.  This will be another link in the chain between Hawaii and Australia. 
  • As the Japanese had occupied Rabaul and surrounding islands, Admiral King anticipated that the next attacks would include the Solomon Islands, New Caledonia and Fiji, in addition to Port Moresby in New Guinea.  He created the ANZUS force under Rear Admiral Leary to protect this area.  This led to the US Navy sending larger forces, including aircraft carrier task forces into the Coral Sea nearby, and to the first major conflict between fleets in the Pacific War.

 More Information:





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