Monday, January 17, 2022

January 17, 1862 - Friday - 160 years ago today

Status - John Baer - 40th Indiana Regiment

On January 21st, 1862 the 40th Indiana was in camp at Bardstown, KY, undergoing familiarization and training for the Army of the Ohio (General Buell commanding).

 Union Information Gathering in Western Kentucky

Despite the President's disappointment with the lack of movement of the armies, some things were being done to prepare for some forward movement.

In the West, General Halleck had sent several reconnaissance expeditions into Kentucky in an attempt to assess the strength of Confederate forces there.  One of these left Cairo and moved toward Columbus, KY to check enemy strength and gain information, in part through captures and interrogations, and returned after 11 days.

Of more immediate importance was a similar movement southeast toward Fort Henry (on the Tennessee River), and Fort Donelson (on the Cumberland).  The expedition used gunboats, and there was a short gunnery fight between the gunboats and the Fort Henry artillery.  These forts would be the initial targets for the first major advance of the Union in the Kentucky and Tennessee area.  That would come later in February.

 Tensions in Central Kentucky

General Buell had 5 divisions in Central Kentucky in early December.  One of the divisions was commanded by General George Thomas, and included John Baer's former 10th Indiana regiment, now re-made into a 3 year regiment.  This division had been operating in the area of Somerset, KY since the start of the year. By the 17th, they were camped near what is now Nancy, KY.  They had learned that a Confederate force under General Felix Zollicoffer was encamped a few miles south of this area, on the north bank of the Cumberland River.  General Thomas on the 17th was making preparations to advance toward this force, so a battle had become imminent.


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